Supramonte & Orgosolo

Explore Orgosolo: Where History, Art, and Nature Converge
Nestled in the heart of the mountainous Barbagia del Supramonte region, Orgosolo beckons with a rich tapestry of history, art, and natural beauty. This charming town offers a glimpse into Sardinia’s ancient past, where you’ll uncover traces of the island’s earliest inhabitants, including domus de janas, tombs of the giants, and the impressive nuraghes of Su Calavriche, Mereu, and Gorroppu.
A Hub of Resistance and Resilience
In the late 19th century, Orgosolo gained international recognition as a symbol of resistance and resilience. This small, isolated town became synonymous with banditry, as Italian film director Vittorio De Seta’s renowned work, “Bandits of Orgosolo” (1961), vividly portrays. The film depicts the desperate struggle of farmers and shepherds to protect their lands from state expropriation. Orgosolo’s history is a testament to the resilience of its people.
Street Art and Culture
Stroll through Orgosolo’s narrow streets and alleys, where you’ll encounter a wealth of murals adorning the outer walls of houses and even scattered on rocks throughout the town. These murals convey social, artistic, and political themes, offering a unique perspective on the town’s culture and history. Orgosolo is also celebrated as one of the birthplaces of “canto a tenore,” a traditional polyphonic choral singing technique native to the Barbagia district. Recognized by UNESCO as intangible world heritage, this musical tradition embodies the essence of Orgosolo’s cultural heritage.
Immerse Yourself in Nature
For nature enthusiasts, Orgosolo offers the Montes Forest, an ideal destination for exhilarating treks. Wander through majestic holm oak forests and encounter the pinnettos, ancient shepherd’s round huts crafted from stone and branches. To delve deeper into the region’s natural wonders, don’t miss a visit to the Museo Naturalistico del Supramonte.
Festivals and Traditions
Orgosolo comes alive on August 15th with the Assunta celebration. Experience a picturesque procession and a colorful parade of traditional costumes winding through the village’s streets. The festivities culminate in Sa Vardia, a thrilling horse race held within the town, captivating tourists and locals alike. While exploring Orgosolo, be sure to admire the Church of San Pietro, especially its magnificent 15th-century bell tower, a testament to the town’s enduring heritage.
Orgosolo invites you to uncover its multifaceted charm, where history, art, and nature harmoniously coexist. Visit this unique destination and become part of its captivating narrative, where the past seamlessly blends with the present, creating an unforgettable experience for all.